Your Privacy

We take great pride in protecting our client’s information.

With regard to the blog, we will never post photos or video that show identifying parts of the outside of your home, your home electronics, your address, etc. In fact, we don’t even take photos or video that contain easily identifiable information.

We do not mention neighborhood names or street names, except when we are referring to Field Trip Adventure Walks, which take place outside of our client’s neighborhood.

We will never mention exact dates of departure or return. We will sometimes note if a visit is in the “a.m.” or “p.m.”, but never specific times. In addition, blog posts are updated after the last sit of the day and the noted published time on the blog does not reflect the actual time the blog was posted. For example, the post may show that it was published at 8pm when it was actually uploaded at 6pm.

We use only pet’s first names in our posts, never our human client’s names.

We work hard to ensure both your pet and home are safe and secure while in our care and strive to give you that all important peace of mind while you are away. If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns about any information that appears on this blog, please do not hesitate to call us at (916) 585-3182 or email us.

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