Foxtails are NOT our friends

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

The foxtails are growing all around us and now is the time to stop them dead in their tracks. Foxtails can cause serious injury to your pets (to the point of causing death), so if you see any in your yard, it’s time to do some serious work! Be especially careful to not leave the foxtails in your yard after they are cut down. It’s best to just throw them out completely.

Foxtails are barbed which means once they enter, it’s really difficult to get them out. They can become stuck in fur, between the toes, in the ears, eyes, and the nose. If you notice your pet shaking his/her head violently this time of year, a trip to the vet is in order. Foxtails are extremely painful once embedded and it’s not something easily removed at home. When stuck in the nose, they often cause quite a bit of bleeding as well.

Here are some sites for further info:

Help with identifying foxtails:  Dog Owner’s Guide to California Fox Tails

and from Foxtail Grass Dangerous to Dogs:

“Foxtail seeds are very tiny so veterinarians usually go by symptoms.

If in the nasal cavity, the dog sneezes repeatedly and violently often hitting the nose on the floor. If a bloody discharge is noticed assume it’s a foxtail seed.

If in the eye, the dog paws at the eye and the eye waters. If an eye is glued shut it is most likely a foxtail seed.

If the seed is in the ear the dog shakes its head violently from side to side. Sometimes the dog paws a the eyes or ear, shaking the head and squints.

In the mouth foxtail seeds can cause gagging or difficulty swallowing. If the seed gets caught between the teeth, in the gums, back of throat, or tongue problems can result.

If the seed lodges in the paw or under the coat a lump will form that is painful to the touch. Other symptoms include rubbing the head on the ground and going round in circles, licking or biting at the rectum or other body parts, or yelping or shining for no obvious reason.

Foxtail seeds can cause fatalities when they reach internal organs.

In any case, do not attempt to treat the animal yourself. Get professional help.”

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