Friday 10/01/10

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Georgia seems to be catching on quite well, she is very smart! It didn’t take as long today as it did yesterday for her to sit and be calm for me to come in. I hope to see more progress next time!

Mr. Bean spent all of our time outside, laying in the sun and being cuddled and petted.

And then there was Rocketman. I must have somehow loosened the old needle from the tube because when I went to start the fluids, it had somehow gone from the 2 to the 2.5. Of course I panic and call the vet who advised to just go to the 4.5 instead of the 4. No problem, I think. The joke was on me, of course, as Mr. Rocketman was in a particularly rolly mood tonight! 2 needles and lots of pleading later, he did get all his fluids and a kiss on top of his head for good measure. I did not see Ruda but Hermione was there. I’m not too worried about Ruda as this seems to be his standard m.o.

Zoe and Landon were happy to have their walk and we made sure that they were exhausted when we brought them home!

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