Friday 10/22/10

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Well I don’t know what Puddles and Silky did, but there were ants all the way to the bathroom today! I cleaned them up as best I could, but they got into the cat food on the shelf. The dryer was also beeping incessantly. I tried everything I could to shut it off before finally unplugging it. Puddles was super affectionate today and got lots of pets; I still haven’t seen Silky but I know he’s around because the litterbox told me so!

Mr. Bean had a friend over today, his name is Buddy and he is a 6 month old Shar Pei mix. We did a walk around the complex and then went out back for playtime.

Georgia and I trekked up the levee again today, we managed to miss the rain.

Zoe and Landon had a good nice long walk, but all I could catch was their rear ends!

Kiki has warmed up to me quite nicely, especially my shoes. We had a nice petting session also. Napoleon followed me all around the house but would not let me pet him. I ended up laying down on the bedroom floor, acting like I was ignoring him. When I looked up, I noticed he had moved very close under the bed to the edge closest to me. I feel a breakthrough coming on.

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