(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
Busy day today! Walked a Chako foster, what a big beautiful boy he is! We went all around Curtis Park, it was gorgeous outside but so humid. I’ve lived in Sacramento my whole life and have never known our heat to be humid, we have always been known for very dry heat. Quite different.
Took Whit for her hour as well, right after. She found sprinklers, great fun with that! There were three in a row, all on. The first one, she stuck her whole nose in, got blasted, jumped back and stared in shock at it. The second one, she sticks her nose in, gets blasted, jumps back, stares in shock. The third one, she sticks her nose in, gets blasted, jumps back, then decides she wants nothing more to do with the sprinklers. Silly girl.