Hiding behind kittehs and heat stroke

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Oh my gosh, you really can’t tell how hot it is until you are out walking in it! I think I was heading toward heat strokeĀ  – no joke! I had to go home and rest up and drink lots of fluids. Okay, it was more like heat exhaustion. But still, keep this in mind when you are out in the heat this season! And remember to bring water – this is something I need to seriously get into the habit of doing but I keep looking at the temperature thinking – it’s only 85, no big. Wrong. I won’t be making that mistake again! Fortunately, it’s easy enough to get the doggies a drink of water from a neighbor’s hose.

Anyway, enough about me – it’s all about the pets!

Whitney wore herself out, check out that tongue!

The 3Bs are doing well. I watered the plants and put the recycling out. Oh, and I was totally loving on Beau today – he jumps up in his cat tree to get closer and I can’t resist. I also made the mistake of trying to pet Bella when she was eating. Thankfully, my arm is still intact. Mustn’t disturb princess when she is busy, ha! Beemer just kind of hung out like he usually does, watching me and waiting to be fed =)

P.S. I promise I am not as creepy as I look lurking behind Beau. Excellent references available upon request, of course =D

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