(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
I had fun today assisting with Chako’s CGC Workshop at the County of Sacramento shelter on Bradshaw. Lots of breed ambassadors and their responsible owners, it’s a wonderful thing!
I was also happy to see both Hermione and Ruda today. I didn’t get the chance to snap a picture of Ruda, but that would be Hermione’s bright eyes in the photo I did get. Rocket had fluids today, he has been on quite a roll these past few times but I’ve been able to get him to cooperate enough to get it all to work in the end. As you can see from the photos, he would just sit still for even a second, this boy has energy to spare that’s for sure. I did lose about 50 ml though to another loose (or not tight enough) slider thingie so once again, my bag lines are off. Like my technical jargon? I’ve been watering off schedule because the plants looked pretty thirsty but other than that, we are all good to go!