Saturday 11/20/10

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

So….today was Feral Colony TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) Transport Day Round 1.  A client has become the caretaker of a feral cat colony behind her house and we decided it was high time to get them all altered before 8 cats becomes 80. Thanks to a wonderful feral cat program through City and County Animal shelters, we are able to get the entire colony speutered (spayed/neutered) for free. They also had their shots and their ears tipped (which identifies them as altered members of a feral colony).

I scheduled the appointments, borrowed traps (thanks, Claudia!) and will be transporting the kitties from colony to clinic and back again. My lovely client gets all the joy of trapping, monitoring, and releasing. Today was Round 1, next Saturday is Round 2.

We were initially scheduled for 3 cats but my client was able to trap 2 kittens so that brought our total for the day to 5. I was worried the Stray/Feral Cat Program staff would balk at us adding the kittens, but they welcomed us with open scalpels arms.

I woke up at 6am and trekked on over to my client’s house, and loaded everyone up for our trip out to County shelter on Bradshaw, where we had to be between 7:15 and 8am. Imagine my little Corolla with 3 traps in back and one carrier in front (well, you don’t have to imagine, naturally I took photos!)

By 3:30pm, I got the call that everyone was ready and I went back out to the shelter to claim the kitties and then brought them back where they are recovering in my client’s garage. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. 3 females and 2 males were altered, and awesomely, none of the females were pregnant. Don’t worry, the males weren’t pregnant either!

These are two great sites about TNR for feral cat colonies:

I also got to hang out with Puck and Papas. We had a nice walk at just the right time to avoid the rain, yay!

Jake, Roman, and Calvin sure did appreciate the break in the rain as well, everyone was getting a bit restless with the lack of playtime.

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