(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
I’m going to use this space to go into more depth with the various additional services we offer at Pawsitive Attention Pet Services.
First of all, although we offer emergency transport, we should not be confused with an ambulance service. We offer this service mainly for those that do not have access to a car at the moment. That said, if you are having trouble loading an animal into your car, we can come over and help you but we do not have any special equipment other than our experience with loading pets into a passenger car.
If you do not have regular access to a car, please schedule a meet and greet with us now so we can have all of your paperwork on file.
Another use of this service is for routine physicals, vaccination appointments, scheduled surgeries, and grooming appointments. Many of our clients are unable to take time off work for routine veterinary appointments and we are happy to step in to save our clients time and money.
For spays and neuters, we can drop your pet off and pick him/her up after the surgery and sit with them until you get home. That first day of coming out of anesthesia is not the most fun and we are experienced in dealing with post-altering care.
We also love happypet’s mobile vaccination clinics and use them for our own pets. The vans stop at various locations once a week and we will transport your pet there, get the vaccinations, and then return him/her home. I know when I was working weekends, it was really difficult to make it to these clinics without having to take time off work.
I think of new services to add all the time, if you need something done that you don’t see on our site, just give us a call at (916) 585-3182 to discuss.