(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
Lil Bear tried to chase a pigeon when on our walk! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes because Lil Bear is so laid back when she is with me. I think this is the first time I’ve ever had to tell her, “no”.
Nuffy wasn’t too happy to see me, but that’s what happens when you know you are getting meds. He had his c meds this am. The pellet bowl by the closet was totally emptied so I refilled it. Winter was very active, running around and digging in the box by the window. She had eaten all of the hay she threw around last night. Sylvie and Raja were up to something, I’m not sure what, but they had that mischievious look on their faces. Of course, I’m starting to think that they always have that look! It was so cute when I brought the salads in, both of them were on their hind legs with their front paws holding on to the pen, “Feed us now! Feed us now!” Naturally, they stopped as soon as I whipped out the camera.