Sunday 12/26/10

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Leo was under the bed again. We moved on out to the livingroom so he’d have more room to roll around and be petted. Meds are going great.

Neighborhood kitties were outside Bernie & Fawn’s front door, waiting to eat. I’ll have to snap a picture tomorrow. Bernie & Fawn are doing well, Fawn was pulling quite a bit on our first walk so I tried her on the Easy-Walk harness for the second walk and she did much better. (If anyone is interested in trying the Easy-Walk harness for their puller, let me know. I sell most sizes). Terra was out and Pedo had fun watching the neighborhood kitties eating breakfast.

Sammie and Maggie are doing well, and no kitties have come in or gone out. Everyone had their breakfast, litterbox was cleaned, and dogs were given fresh water. I also refilled the outside bowl. There have been no more mouse deaths….yet.

Atlas and Percy enjoyed a long walk today. Atlas was in a bit of a mood with Percy but I was able to get it under control quickly without further incident.

Mitz and Tzipie have made a bit of a mess. I had to wash two area rugs and hang them up to dry. Both kitties were under the beds and didn’t want to come out.

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