The DMV loves the Whitster

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Today’s random-items-picked-up-by-Whitney count is: 17

Whitney was shaking her head quite a bit today, notified her owners that an ear infection could be brewing, poor Whit! Hopefully it’s nothing.

Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker, Sacramento dog walking, Sacramento dogwalking

She was carrying around this little stick, but of course dropped it as I tried to catch her

As usual, I mix up my routes to avoid boredom. We went past the DMV today and met two nice ladies that couldn’t resist petting a very obliging puppy. Whitney was told that she has beautiful eyes and it looks like she’s wearing sunglasses =).

Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker, Sacramento dog walking, Sacramento dogwalking

I wear my sunglasses at night

No sign of Jax, he must be off doing his Jax stuff.

Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker, Sacramento dog walking, Sacramento dogwalking

Whit was sniffing around these really cool flowers on Freeport. I need to find out what they are.

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