(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
Had my first walk with Teryx today. He is an absolute doll! He is very mellow and calm and very sweet. I tried to get him walking kinda fast jogging for brief spurts to get him good and tired but I felt like I was going to die and really need to work out more . Basically, we walk about 3/4 block then do a modified trot for 1/4 block. I’m not happy with a walk until I see some panting so you can imagine how pleased I was that when we got back to Teryx’s house he laid down on the porch while we waited for the door to be answered!
We also found pink versions of the flowers I always see while walking in Curtis Park. Very cool. I need to find out what these are, I’d love to have some in my yard.
Just look at this handsome boy!