Thursday 01/13/11

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Everyone is fine and dandy but….

We have a mouse murder by drowning, a tragic bird incident (pets are innocent!), a possible cat-litter-as-sand-castle-material contest, a roaring lion, bathroom accessory destruction, and Houdinisms.

So first of all, I walk into girl Kiki and Mickey’s house, and head over to clean the litterbox after saying hello to both. I find a nice little pile of litter outside of the box. And yes, it was topped off with a package, I just thought that wouldn’t be a very um, tasteful photo.

Bok wi was full of playfulness but Mom didn’t want him walked in the rain so we hung out inside, played with the bear and even got a good brushing session in.

Izzy and I had a nice walk and managed to stay dry. After taking Izzy out, I went back to let Reagan and Jersey potty and was shocked to be greeted by Reagan in Jersey’s kennel with her, jumping around and acting so normally that for a moment I thought Mom and Dad left them that way…until I made my way around to Reagan’s crate. Another surprise awaited us outside – a feather explosion in the yard and the discovery of a little pigeon who sadly, did not survive whatever attacked him. Rest in peace, pigeon friend.

Already shaken by the pigeon’s untimely demise, I nearly failed to appreciate the comedy of boy Kiki and Napoleon and their drowned mouse. Of course, it’s very difficult not to laugh with these two and they reminded me that life does, in fact, go on.

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