(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
So…my computer froze then my desk lamp light went out (I thought CFLs were supposed to last 5+ years?). But I digress….
Casper was not available for breakfast. As you can see, Squirrel clearly knows where he is and she’s refusing to give him up. I think it has something to do with the fact that now she can eat both her food and his. I was getting worried so I called Mom but she said not to worry, this is not totally out of the norm for the Great Casper.
Jake and I had a nice walk, but he was unhappy when I took the walking collar off and he showed it. At least he liked the treats I brought him! I also scooped the yard.
Mr. Bean, Mr. Bean, Mr. Bean! Of course the one time I don’t have the video camera on him and he sees his reflection in the glass fireplace screen and starts barking and growling at it! I nearly suffocated on the cuteness in the air. Yes, it was that bad. He’s also started bringing toys from his crate upstairs to play with downstairs. And I’m starting to think he can tell time. He always seems to start heading up the stairs toward the end of our visit. I’ll have to figure out a way to test this theory.
Maestro, Niko, and the Bunnies are doing great! I watered everything, checked the mail (it was empty), fed everyone and gave fresh water. I washed out the cat water bowl and Niko seemed quite pleased with my handy work. Of course, we also had some play time. The bunnies, of course, were disapproving of my presence but I hope to win them over in due time.