(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
What an exciting day!
I managed to get Georgia to calm herself down by not opening the door until she sat and stayed for me. It took a few tries of me opening it a crack and then closing it when she broke her sit but she finally caught on. We will do the same thing tomorrow until she is able to control herself. She gets sooo excited, her whole body shakes.
Mr. Bean thought of taking one of his toys outside but then he forgot to follow through with it. He peed and we played and played and played!
The most exciting moment of the day? RUDA LET ME PET HIM AND EVEN PICK HIM UP! I’m not kidding! I even have pics to prove that he let me pet him! I guess he finally decided that he missed humans. I couldn’t get him to come inside, but this was a lot of progress in one day. I also spotted Hermione and the gray kitty was hanging out out back. Rocketman is doing great, we even have a little routine going on now with the kitchen faucet. The little eyes would be the gray kitty, by the way.