(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
Bo needed extra attention today. He was just sitting there staring at me so I gave him lots of hugs and then I found a scratching spot right behind his cheek and he put both arms up on my arm and had this look of utter bliss on his face, it was sooo cute! Frankie has been really funny about going outside – I’ve been having to pick him and up and put him out, not sure what that is about but we’ll see if he continues it. Roman and Jake are as messy as usual so I’ve been keeping up with the laundry quite a bit.
Georgia was just fascinated by this squirrel in the tree, so I had to snap some photos.
Mr. Bean peed and played as per our routine. I think I made a mistake though because usually I will crawl up the stairs with him and he runs under and around me and it’s a whole game. Anyway, I told him to go upstairs today and he wouldn’t come until I started crawling up. I really hope no one ever walks in on me crawling up the stairs like a dog – can you imagine how embarrassing that would be? And yet I post it on the internet, go figure. Mr. Bean also showed me that he shakes hands now. How fun is that?