Winter remembered me

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

Lil Bear was out with Mom tonight so I came over to take care of the buns. A new bun is also being introduced to the household, but I don’t know his name yet. He is super cute, very affectionate, and curious like Sylvie. I bet when those two finally get together, chaos will ensue!

I was so happy when I walked into the bun room and Winter actually came toward me to be petted! I could tell she remembered me. *warm fuzzies* I spent extra time loving on her and the new bunny.

Nuffy was giving me quite the attitude tonight, I tried several times to clean his bottom but he kept squeaking at me and kicking and hiding. I didn’t want to force it and risk injuring him so after trying in vain about 5 times, I finally had to let him be. Winter got in on the action and started chasing Nuffy and nudging his bottom but he only hid in the box. Eventually, Winter made him get out of the box and she took him over to the side and groomed him; he still wouldn’t let me near him.

When I was caring for new bun, I closed the door  and Sylvie was having none of that. She created such a racket banging her pen bars that I had to check on her a few times, thinking she had broken out. As usual, when I went to clean her litterbox, she made sure to be as busy as possible doing very important things away from me.

New bunny came out of his pen and ran around a bit, I was even lucky enough to see a binky!

And when I left….I found two kittens in the driveway, but more on that in another post…

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