(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.
Well Lil Bear was surely in a mood today! Although she came running to me when I came in and sat happily for the harness, once we got going she did everything she could to get back to the house. I finally convinced her to just finish her walk and she had her #2 and we went back home. Now once we got there, she sang a different tune, prancing back and forth in front of the pantry.
Me: “Oh, you want a treat, do you? For what, being a lil stinker?”
Lil Bear: “Yes yes yes gimme now gimme now!”
Nuffy and Winter were fast asleep. Nuff was by his empty salad bowl but he had made quite a mess of himself so I moved him over to his pellets and changed the towel. Raja and Sylvie were plotting something, I’m sure.