You can’t leave…I’m taking a nap

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.

A little blustery today!  A kindly man decided to stop and talk to Ryce but of course, Ryce likes to bark back. Now this boy sure does love to shove his face in stuff. I’ve noticed that if we walk by any holes in the ground (and there a ton around the light rail station – they have quite the ground squirrel community there), he has to stick his face in the hole. Silly boy. And he’s still getting into position for his harness which is pretty cute. Then again, most of the things he does are cute, such is his charm.

Sacramento pet sitter, Sacramento petsitter, Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker

*deep inhale*


Sacramento pet sitter, Sacramento petsitter, Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker

the wind is blowing my ears back


Sacramento pet sitter, Sacramento petsitter, Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker

c'mon I'm ready to go!


Sacramento pet sitter, Sacramento petsitter, Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker

knocked out in front of the door

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