And the Ground Squirrels Rejoice

Your Sacramento Pet Sitter
(916) 585-3182
We offer cat sitting, dog sitting, dog walking, care for rabbits, chickens, rats, fish and more.


Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento pet sitter

 Now I know that there is a song called, “Muskrat Love”, maybe there should be one for “Ground Squirrel Love”?  They have been out in droves, running around doing highly important things and lots of extremely pressing stuff. I can only guess that the coming of Spring has sprung the little ground rodents into action. *wink*

Naturally, Ryce is on the job. As King of the Ground Squirrels, he must inspect every burrow. We also discovered that the squirrels emite a high-pitched squeal to alert other ground squirrels when a dog walks by. Or maybe that squeal is specifically for Ryce. I’m not quite sure but I am sure that by the end of summer we will be quite the ground squirrel experts. I love walking over to see them because he gets so excited and since they move at lightening speed and he’s on a leash, it’s good clean fun that wears him out!

 Sacramento dog walker, Sacramento dogwalker, Sacramento pet sitter, Sacramento petsitter

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